Can Invisalign Fix Crossbite

Can Invisalign fix Crossbite? This question is important for those looking for ways to fix their misaligned jaws. A crossbite occurs when the upper and lower jaw don’t align properly, causing discomfort and potential gum problems. Traditionally, people had to use metal braces to correct a crossbite. However, with Invisalign, individuals now have a discreet, comfortable, and efficient option. 



In this blog, we’ll explore how effective Invisalign is in fixing crossbites and compare its benefits to traditional braces.

What is a Crossbite?

A crossbite is a dental problem where some of your upper teeth sit inside or directly on top of your lower teeth when you close your mouth. Ideally, your upper teeth should rest just slightly in front of your lower teeth.

Signs of a crossbite may include:

  • Frequent toothaches
  • Headaches
  • Pain while biting and chewing
  • Jaw problems

What Causes a Crossbite?

Genetics plays a significant role in developing a crossbite for many individuals—you may have inherited the condition from your parents. Additionally, certain unhealthy childhood habits can contribute to the formation of a crossbite. These habits include thumb sucking, mouth breathing, and prolonged use of pacifiers beyond the age of three. Other factors, such as delayed or abnormal tooth growth, can also lead to a crossbite.

Why You Should Fix a Crossbite?

It’s important to treat a crossbite quickly. If you don’t, it can cause lots of dental problems. Some things that might happen include:

  • Poor sleep quality
  • Difficulty biting or chewing properly
  • Plaque buildup
  • Speech impediments
  • Deformed jawline
  • Altered smile appearance
  • Reduced self-esteem
  • TMJ joint disorder
  • Accelerated teeth wear
  • Gum disease leading to bone loss

Can Invisalign Fix a Crossbite?

Yes, most types of Crossbite can be treated with Invisalign. During a smile assessment consultation, the transformation of your smile using before and after images will be demonstrated. After agreeing on a treatment plan, a customized set of aligners will be provided, precisely tailored to fit your teeth.

These aligners are virtually invisible and are worn for five to seven days before being replaced with the next set to continue the teeth-moving process into their correct position.

How Are Crossbites Treated?

Crossbites can be treated through various methods, depending on the patient’s age and specific needs:

  • Palate Expander:

These devices widen a narrow palate or upper jaw. By expanding the palate, crossbites are corrected as the lower teeth fit inside the uppers. Fixed palate expanders are used to direct jaw growth in growing children, while removable expanders may be used for adults or those needing minimal expansion.

  • Orthodontic Braces:

Braces are a common treatment for correcting crossbites. They move teeth into better positions by applying gentle pressure through wires connected to brackets affixed to the teeth. Braces may be used in conjunction with palate expanders and rubber bands to correct bite alignment.

  • Jaw Surgery:

Severe crossbites may require surgical intervention. Jaw surgery involves breaking the jawbone in multiple places and resetting it in the correct position. Braces are often used before and after surgery to maintain teeth alignment.

How Long Does It Take for Invisalign to Correct Crossbites?

The duration of Invisalign treatment for correcting crossbites depends on the severity of the patient’s condition. Additionally, time is needed to fabricate the aligner trays following the 3D imaging conducted during the initial consultation.

Each set of aligners is typically worn for one week. The total duration of treatment is determined by the number of trays provided. Invisalign treatment may take as little as three months to complete for mild bite misalignments. However, treatment may extend up to 18 months for more severe crossbites.

Advantages of Using Invisalign to Correct a CrossbiteUsing Invisalign to Correct a Crossbite

Invisalign offers a modern approach to treating crossbites, which many patients prefer over traditional metal braces. 

Here are some reasons why patients choose Invisalign to correct their Crossbite:

More Comfortable:

Invisalign trays apply gentle pressure to shift the teeth and jaw into the correct position, making the treatment painless. Unlike traditional braces, there are no metal wires or brackets causing discomfort.


Invisalign aligners are clear and barely noticeable, allowing patients to smile confidently without the visibility of metal braces. This discreet option is particularly preferred by working adults in professional settings.

Easy to Clean:

Unlike braces, Invisalign trays can be easily removed for eating and cleaning. There are no wires or brackets to trap food particles, and patients can maintain their regular brushing and flossing routine without any modifications.

Enhances Self-Confidence:

Correcting a crossbite improves appearance and restores the smile, boosting self-confidence. Invisalign’s discreet system allows patients to undergo treatment with minimal visibility.

Customized Fit:

Invisalign trays are custom-made based on 3D images taken during the initial consultation. This ensures a secure fit over the patient’s teeth, gradually transforming the smile and aligning the teeth properly.

Schedule an Appointment with Capitol Square Dental for Crossbite Invisalign Consultation

Can Invisalign Fix Crossbite?” Invisalign offers a modern and effective solution for correcting crossbites, providing patients with a discreet and comfortable treatment option. 

With the expertise of Capitol Square Dental in Columbus, Ohio, patients can trust our skilled professionals and cutting-edge technology to achieve the smile they desire. Don’t hesitate to take the first step towards a straighter smile with Invisalign. New patients call (614) 434-8904, while current patients can reach us at (614) 461-4600 to schedule an appointment with Capitol Square Dental today. 

Let us help you find the perfect solution for your dental needs, whether it involves Invisalign or another treatment option. Don’t wait any longer – call now and get back to smiling!


Can Invisalign fix all types of crossbites?

Invisalign can effectively treat most types of crossbites, but the suitability of treatment depends on the severity of the Crossbite and other individual factors.

How long does Invisalign treatment take to correct a crossbite?

The duration of Invisalign treatment for correcting a crossbite varies depending on the severity of the case. It typically ranges from several months to a year or more.

Is Invisalign treatment painful?

Invisalign treatment is generally considered to be more comfortable than traditional braces. While some patients may experience mild discomfort or pressure when wearing new aligners, it is typically well-tolerated and not considered painful.

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Capitol Square Dental

New Patients Call Us: (614) 434-8904

Current patients: (614) 461-4600

Visit Us: 212 South High St.
Columbus Ohio 43215

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